كيفية رسم شعار باتمان
لكي نرسم الشعار علينا ان نسأل انفسنا " ماهو اللوجو؟ " ومتى تم العمل به؟ وماهو الهدف من الشعار؟
اللوجو ا رمز أو صورة أو عنصر مرئي يستعمل للدلالة على هوية أو موقع او سلعة او شخص واول من عمل به كان في العصور الوسطى، وذلك لأنَّ كُل بائع كان يتميز بعلامة تجارية سواء كانت رمزاً أم كتابةً أم أي شيء يدل على منتجاته أو خدماته.وهذا ما فعله
بطلنا الخارق بتخاذه صورة الوطواط رمز له لمساعدة الناس.
how to draw the batman logo step by step?
In order to draw the logo, we have to ask ourselves, “What is the logo?” And when was it implemented? What is the purpose of the logo?
A logo is a symbol, image, or visual element used to indicate an identity, location, commodity, or person, and the first person to work with it was in the Middle Ages, because every seller was distinguished by a trademark, whether it was a symbol, writing, or anything that indicates his products or services. This is what he did
Our superhero in the form of the bat is his symbol of helping people.
how to draw the batman logo step by step? كيف نرسم شعارباتمان؟ |
And then we color our drawing, to get our superhero logo after we drew it step by step in an easy and simple way. If you want to know how to draw any logo for a superhero character, a logo for a football team, rugby team, basketball team, or any logo you want, all you have to do is wait for what we will serve you.